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< Nagarro >

Adobe Systems

(MTS - RE)

Hello folks,

Adobe Systems has a limited list of colleges from which it hires. It specifies job profile and joining team prior to the recruitment process. Here is a list of some engineering profiles:
Member of Techical Staff - Release Engineer (build and release team)
Member of Techical Staff - Quality Engineer (testing team)
Member of Techical Staff - Dev (development team)
Computer Scientist - RE
Computer Scientist - QE
Computer Scientist - Dev
Software Engineer - QE

Order of general interview process is as follows:
1. Three hour written paper consisting of one aptitude paper, one language based paper and one CS-Core paper
2. Interview with a senior member of joining team
3. Interview with manager of joining team
4. Interview with senior manager of joining team
5. Interview with director of joining team

For written paper, will help you better than me.
Some questions which were asked in my interview process are as follows:
1. If you are having a system which supports only stack as its internal data structure, then how will you implement a queue using this system?
2. Implement a stack such that push,pop and find_max functions have O(1) time complexity.
3. Given two exactly similar balls having only one difference that one is hollow and one is solid. Give a feasible aproach to find which one is hollow without destroying the balls.
4. Given a series of pictorial figures, find the next figure.
4. Some questions of C pointers.
5. Some questions of OOP concept.

Apart from these questions, some questions are asked related to the projects and topics specified in candidate's resume.
For mine, it was scripting languages and web frameworks.


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